Friday, January 1, 2010

Close to start of trip

Today is January first 2010. I am getting close to being ready to start my trip south from Washington state through California to southeastern Arizona. I will go by myself, with my two Norwegian Fjord Horses in the trailer, and a wagon. For the past couple of weeks I have worked on the truck, doing all of the service that is due, and making minor repairs on the trailer. The horses have been resting and eating. This last week the veterinarian came to do Coggins tests and inspection for health certificates. The horses are now legal to travel. Today I spent the morning with the farrier, and the horses are shod. The first nine bales of hay are squeezed into Into the nose of the trailer. I just need to gather together the hundred items that I need to travel -- horse harness and feed, clothes, books, tools, and all the rest. My departure date is flexible, from as early as Monday, but it could be Wednesday.

Last night at a New Year's Eve celebration I ran into my friend Cris, and that reminded me that I should not start without the benefit of a consultation with a philosopher, which he is. We will meet tomorrow morning. He already got me thinking about the nature and clarity of my intentions. He feels that clear and defined intentions lead to the desired results. I argued in favor of fuzzier intentions that allowed the space for the unknown treasures -- whatever they are-- to present themselves. We have not resolved this, but it is a fruitful line of thought.

Other than being ready to turn the key and go, my other consideration will be weather patterns. My principal risk of snow and ice should be on I-5 south of Medford, Oregon, and perhaps I can successfully avoid those conditions.


  1. Getting through Houston gives you the status of an expert navigator. It also qualifies you for Mensa.
