Saturday, January 9, 2010

Still in Norco

Can’t believe people live here in Southern California like it is normal to have it be sunny and warm in the winter. What are they thinking?
When I am in the LA area I can never get the words of the Tracy Nelson song out of my head: “California was crazy, made me so tired and lazy. I want to feel free and easy, so I’m going back to Tennessee.” I can’t say I am tired, but lazy, maybe.
While waiting for Jennifer to finish work this morning, I went to check out the horse event which is at the town horse grounds in walking distance. Lots of young girls are chasing cans in the arena. I know it is a simple event, but I love to watch those horses run flat out to the finish line. Roland, Jennifer’s husband, says there are events there every weekend day.
In this town, people commonly ride their horses on sidewalks through the town. The sidewalks, however, are unpaved dirt. I think perhaps we can drive on them. This should be a model for towns everywhere. I saw a business with a pen out front, a place to hold your horse while you go in.
Jennifer and Roland have treated me royally. In their corner of Horsetown, they keep six horses, three dogs, several cats, and a turtle. I have not yet seen the turtle, who is hibernating in the barn. I have the impression that if you poke him in winter, he stirs and groans, “Go away I’m sleeping” and becomes still again. He doesn’t eat. I wonder if he dreams.
My horses are standing in the shade swishing their tails at the occasional fly. They hadn’t been using those tail muscles for months!


  1. When you get to Patagonia, AZ, go to a 'hole in the wall' place for breakfast which is on the North-East side of the main street. I can't remember the name. It's where the ranchers go for breakfast and gossip. You're sure to make friends and pick up information (and gossip). Don't miss the mural on the side of the building at the other end of the street.

  2. The groaning and "go away, I'm sleeping" reminds me of a certain husband....;-)
